Terms of Service

Conditions of Use

Nailiteinc.com Conditions of Use

USE (explained below), LEGAL NOTICES, PRIVACY POLICY and all disclaimers and terms and conditions that appear elsewhere on this entire site.

Nailiteinc.com reserves the right to make changes to the online store, its Conditions of Use and Legal Notices at any time without notice. Each time you use our website, you should visit and review the up to date Conditions of Use, Legal Notices and Privacy Policy that apply to your transactions and use of this website. If you are dissatisfied with our site, its content or Conditions of Use and Legal Notices, you agree that your sole and exclusive solution is to discontinue using Nailiteinc.com web site.

Tampering with the site, misrepresenting the identity of a user, using buying agents or conducting fraudulent activities on the site are strictly prohibited and can result in legal issues.

Paying for Your Order

You may pay for your orders with our electronic coupons and gift certificates, major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx), Pay Pal, Wire Transfer or good money orders.
All transactions are completed in US Currency (USD). All transactions are received by Nailiteinc.com and your receipt will reflect such.

Generally, orders are not charged until we ship the item(s) to you. However, we may pre-authorize your order amount with your credit card issuer upon your order completion which may cause a reduction in your available line of credit.
**Please contact your credit card issuer for more detailed information.**

Order Acceptance/Confirmation

Your receipt of any electronic or verbal order confirmation does not conclude our
acceptance of your order, nor does it represent confirmation of our offer to sell.
Nailiteinc.com wholly reserves the right to accept or decline your order for any reason, after the receipt of your pending order. Nailiteinc.com will not process any orders that have been determined to have been placed by non licensed nail technicians. All of our products are to be used by trained nail professionals.

Termination Of Use

Nailiteinc.com may, at its own sole discretion, terminate your account and/or your use of our website at anytime. You are personally liable for any orders that you place, charges that you incur, and incurred legal liabilities prior to account termination. Nailiteinc.com reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the website at any time without any prior notice.

M-F 9am-5pm EST
info AT nailiteinc.com